F1GP-Ed Documentation
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I'm 24 years old and since graduating with my Computer Science degree in
1996, I've developed a few other programs for the Amiga. Most recently, I
have written the driver software for Power Computing's digital cameras, and
I hope to work on some more projects for Power Computing. Of course, I'm a
dedicated F1/F1GP/Amiga addict, otherwise I wouldn`t have bothered writing
F1GP-Ed in the first place :-)
Please supply an S.A.E if possible (i.e. if you don't live in the UK, don't
put a foreign stamp on it ;-), and state your registration number (if you
have one) in any correspondence. You do not need to supply a S.A.E when
My address:
30 Tillett Road
You can contact me via Internet e-mail at this address:
I also maintain several World Wide Web (WWW) pages on the Internet. Of
course, there is a page dedicated to F1GP-Ed where news, latest versions,
screenshots, etc, can be found. The Amiga Formula One Homepage provides
just about everything available to Amiga F1GP players including WWW pages
F1GP Hall of Fame and the Internet F1GP Championship. There's information
on all of the Amiga F1GP utilities (available for downloading too) as well
as lots of other goodies and other Amiga / Formula One related links. So,
for an Amiga F1GP junkie's dream, set your web browser to:
I can also be found lurking around on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) on the
#Amiga channel with nickname "F1Oli", but not as often as when I was at
Uni, as I now have to pay the phonebill :(
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.